
Explora Articles The words of the year


December 3, 2018

The words of the year

The 'words of the year' chosen by many dictionaries reflect the concerns of today's society. Let's take a look at the winners in 2018

The words of the year

Santiago García

A content by Santiago García


We are in the weeks when most dictionaries choose their “word of the year”. Although the methods followed by the different publications to take their decisions are very diverse, these “words of the year” reflect not only the interests of their readers, but also the topics that concerned society during the last 12 months. Especially if we observe from above all the words selected by the different dictionaries (not only the winners) and try to connect the points ... Oxford: Toxic The Oxford dictionary, for example, has chosen ‘Toxic’ as its “word of the year 2018.” It is not only that this term has been looked up 45% more than in 2017. It is also good to learn that many people who looked up this word in the dictionary during the last months were not interested in toxic products, toxic substances

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