
Explora Articles The Future of Recruitment


December 3, 2017

The Future of Recruitment

As companies are transforming towards outside-inside open models, employer branding and brand experience are inevitably blending into one.

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Manel Heredero

A content by Manel Heredero


Up to half of new hires leave within the first twelve months. The reason is simple: the 6–8 weeks of contact with a company of a standard recruitment process is not enough to develop a cultural rapport between candidate and company. In short, the new hire starts and only then finds out if they ‘fit’ (1) How to attract and retain talent? How to find the right candidates? Do they possess the right skills? Do they fit with our company’s culture? Will they be engaged and their expectations fulfilled? Will they find the right environment to deploy their potential? In addition to the challenge of attracting and retaining talent, there is the question of onboarding: > It takes between 12 and 18 weeks for a new employee to reach optimal productivity. (2) > In average, a departing staff member costs his or her employer £30,000,

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