
Explora Articles The Decline of Performance Evaluations


August 16, 2017

The Decline of Performance Evaluations

Today more and more companies are questioning whether it makes sense to continue evaluating their employees' performance as they have done so far.

The Decline of Performance Evaluations

Santiago García

A content by Santiago García


One of the most revealing papers on the future of performance evaluations is this piece written by Nik Kinley on Strategic HR Review. In this article, Kinley explains that performance appraisals are a relatively recent invention that can be dated back to mid-twentieth century. He shows how from the very beginning evaluators confronted the difficulty of distinguishing between the results an employee achieves due to her effort, and those derived from factors outside her influence. And how those difficulties multiply in a world of complex and interdependent jobs. To overcome those limitations, in the 1980s and 1990s companies embraced behavior and competence-based assessments that allowed a more holistic appreciation of individuals’ performance. They also introduced new processes, such lateral calibrations and 360

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