
Explora Signals of the future Signals of the future of work (Sep. 2020)

Signals of the future

October 1, 2020

Signals of the future of work (Sep. 2020)

Number 39 - September 2020

Signals of the future of work (Sep. 2020)


>> Spanish government passes new regulation on remote work

This month’s top story is likely the passing of Royal Decree-Law 28/2020, of 22 September, on remote work. The new regulation solely applies to those who work remotely at least 30% of the time in a three-month period. Here are some points worth highlighting: in the regulation, telework is considered voluntary, both for companies and workers. Companies will be responsible for providing their employees with any tools and resources they may need to carry out their work remotely, as well as bearing maintenance costs and reimbursing employees for expenses resulting from their work at home. Finally, the regulation has

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