January 2nd, 2025
Explora Signals of the future Signals of the future of work (Jun. 2023)
July 3, 2023
Signals of the future of work (Jun. 2023)
Number 72 - June 2023
The estate of employee engagement in Spain
In June, Gallup published this year's edition of its State of the Global Workplace report, an annual barometer that analyzes work engagement around the world. According to the data collected in 2022, the percentage of highly engaged workers reached 23%, an unprecedented figure since Gallup began its measurements in 2009; and this despite work stress remaining at historic highs. The report also reveals that more than half of the workers worldwide (51%) and a third of Europeans (34%) are willing to change jobs or actively seeking a new occupation. In the case of Spain, although a small improvement from the previous year is evidenced, only 10% of the workers are fully committed to their work. This figure, which contrasts with the European
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