
Explora Signals of the future Signals of the future of work (Jan. 2022)

Signals of the future

February 1, 2022

Signals of the future of work (Jan. 2022)

Number 55 - January 2022


Workers expect more activism from their employers

January saw the publication of the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer, a yearly report in which the firm analyses trends across 28 countries regarding people’s trust in four institutions: media, governments, business and NGOs. For this year’s report, Edelman surveyed over 36,000 people. The results show that people highly distrust the competence and ethics of governments and the media. What’s more, this crisis of trust in governments has grown compared to last year. According to the report, lack of trust in governments and the media is leading people to urge businesses and NGOs to engage in social issues beyond their traditional scope of responsibility, seeing them as agents

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