
Explora Signals of the future Signals of the future of work (Dec. 2022)

Signals of the future

January 2, 2023

Signals of the future of work (Dec. 2022)

Number 66 - December 2022


Where is the limit of automation? 

In December, the artificial intelligence model developed (and trained) by OpenAI to hold natural, fluid conversations with humans—called ChatGPT—left many of us speechless. Not so much because of what this technological solution can do today, which is no minor feat, but because of the impact that such a tool could have on millions of jobs in the near future. We asked ChatGPT outright what it can bring to the field of people management. It said that some ways it could be used in this field include “(1) serving employees: ChatGPT could be used to create an employee service chatbot that can answer frequently asked questions and provide information about company policies and procedures; (2) evaluating employee

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