
Explora Signals of the future Signals of the future of work (Nov. 2019)

Signals of the future

December 1, 2019

Signals of the future of work (Nov. 2019)

Number 29 - November 2019

Signals of the future of work (Nov. 2019)


>> Self-employment in retail plummets

Most of us are well aware that, as far as economic transformation is concerned, the retail sector is undergoing some of the deepest-rooted change. The upsurge in e-commerce, corporate concentration, the loss of purchasing power felt by significant parts of the population who are still reeling from the effects of the last crisis, an uncertain climate, lifestyle changes and the emergence of new consumer preferences are just a few of the forces at play. As one might expect, the resulting transformation has serious consequences on employment. According to data from the Central Companies Directory at Spain’s National Statistics Institute (INE), the retail sector closed out 2018 with 6,998 less active companies than in 2017. Likewise, October brought us data from

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