March 3rd, 2025
Explora Signals of the future Signals of the future of work (Aug. 2023)
September 4, 2023
Number 74 - August 2023
Resident population in Spain reaches historical high
According to data from the Continuous Population Statistics (ECP) released by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the resident population in our country experienced an increase of 135,186 people in the second quarter of this year, bringing the total to 48,345,223 inhabitants, the highest value in the entire historical series. Specifically, in the last 12 months, the resident population in Spain increased by 537,611 people. Additionally, it should be highlighted that the resident population grew in all autonomous communities, which is not usually the case. The territories where the resident population increased the most were the Balearic Islands (+0.58%), Catalonia (+0.51%), and Madrid (+0.45%), while the regions that experienced the
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