Explora Signals of the future Signals of the future of work (Apr. 2023)
May 3, 2023
Signals of the future of work (Apr. 2023)
Number 70 - April 2023
Women lorry drivers needed
Spain’s road haulage sector is in crisis: 20,000 lorry driver jobs are unfilled and 72% of current drivers are over the age of 50. A potential solution to this could be the inclusion of more women, who account for only 2% of workers in this profession in Spain and only 3% across all of Europe. To stand up to this challenge, lorry manufacturer MAN has initiated the third round of its WoMAN grant programme to help 10 women secure a job in this sector. The grants cover 70% of the costs of obtaining a heavy goods vehicle licence and a certificate of professional competence, in addition to classroom and
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