
Explora News Present and future of the HR function in organizations


March 3, 2023 9 min

Present and future of the HR function in organizations

How is the Human Resources function evolving in companies? If you work in this area, we invite you to share your perspective in our new survey.

Presente y futuro de la función de Personas - Future for Work Institute


Although there has been much talk and writing about the present and future of the People or HR function, at Future for Work Institute we are curious to understand how professionals in this function see it from within. Therefore, if you work in this area, we would appreciate it if you could spare 5-6 minutes of your time to respond to the questionnaire, which you can access through the following link:

“It is time to blow up Human Resources

and build something new.”

This text, along with a drawing of a bomb with a lit fuse, occupied the cover of the July-August 2015 issue of Harvard Business Review. It was an urgent call to companies to rethink the role that the Human Resources function was playing in their organizations. The thesis was that the world had changed, companies needed to evolve the way they managed their people if they wanted to maintain their competitiveness in a more volatile and uncertain environment, and Human Resources needed to step up.

But this was not a new issue. 18 years earlier, in 1997, in his book Human Resource Champions, Dave Ulrich, an expert in the field of Human Resources, argued the same thing. According to Ulrich, HR needed to stop focusing so much on the things it does and instead focus more on the results it delivers and the value it brings. Although even then, this need for change was not a new topic. According to Ulrich, in some organizations this evolution had been happening for years, following nine vectors of change.

Based on those nine lines of change, enriched with contributions from other authors who have subsequently studied this topic, we have designed this questionnaire with which we want to analyze the present and future of the People or HR function from the perspective of the people who work in this function.

It is a very simple questionnaire that you can answer in around 5 minutes.

At Future for Work Institute, we thank you in advance for your participation as well as the help you can provide in spreading this initiative among your colleagues.


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