January 2nd, 2025
Explora Books It's high time we rewrite the technological narrative
November 13, 2023
It’s high time we rewrite the technological narrative
Johnson, S., & Acemoglu, D. (2023). Power and Progress
We are on the verge of what may become the most significant technological revolution in the last hundred years. Numerous studies suggest that artificial intelligence (AI) solutions will affect millions of jobs in the coming decade. What will happen to these people? If we look back, the outlook is not very promising. Since the eighties of the last century, we have been immersed in a dynamic where technological advancements favor the concentration of power in a few large companies and the widening of social gaps, instead of contributing to collective prosperity. However, the course of technology is not an inevitable product of scientific advancements and market forces, but a choice, a choice that we, as a society, make, often without realizing its consequences.
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