
Explora Articles Homelessness affects everyone, even leaders in Davos


January 31, 2018

Homelessness affects everyone, even leaders in Davos

Homelessness affects everyone in the world and must be dealt with on a local and global level in order to provide better solutions that create work and housing for and with homeless people

Homelessness in Davos

Andrew Funk

A content by Andrew Funk


As soon as you pay for the train ticket headed to the World Economic Forum at Davos and get on board, it only takes a few minutes to realize that poverty has been properly blocked off from this part of the world. Constant snowfall perfect for international skiers and casual conversations, highlighting the various ways they could have arrived to Davos such as a limo, helicopter or private jet make it challenging for almost every passenger to remember that poverty even exists. My name is Andrew Funk, the president of an NGO called #HomelessEntrepreneur that helps homeless people who want to tell their story and work to get off the street, and I’m one of the passengers on that train who didn’t forget about the 2.5 billion people living in poverty. I’m currently writing this article while standing

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