January 2nd, 2025
Explora Science reviews Evidences of Return-to-Office Mandates on Firm Performance and Employee Satisfaction
February 22, 2024
Evidences of Return-to-Office Mandates on Firm Performance and Employee Satisfaction
Yuye Ding and Mark Ma (2024). Return-to-Office Mandates
The research conducted by Ding and Ma (2024) utilizes a sophisticated mixed-methods approach to investigate the ramifications of Return-to-Office (RTO) mandates on employee satisfaction and the performance metrics of S&P 500 companies. The authors meticulously selected companies enacting RTO policies through a comprehensive review of news sources. Their analysis commenced with an exploration into the catalysts behind these mandates, revealing a higher likelihood of RTO implementation in firms experiencing subpar stock market performance. Conversely, companies with substantial institutional ownership demonstrated a decreased propensity towards RTO mandates, while CEO stock ownership appeared to exert no significant influence. The study further elucidates that firms helmed by male and authoritative CEOs are more inclined to enforce RTO mandates, ostensibly to consolidate power rather than
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