
Explora Signals of the future Signals of the future of work (Feb. 2021)

Signals of the future

March 1, 2021

Signals of the future of work (Feb. 2021)

Number 44 - February 2021


>> Not all platform couriers prefer to be salaried employees

In February, trade union representatives, business owners and officials from Spain’s labour ministry gathered to discuss how to regulate digital platform-based work, converging around the idea that the majority of couriers on these platforms should be regarded as salaried employees. However, at the same time, the Autonomous Association of Couriers (AAR), RepartidoresUnidos.org and the Professional Association of Self-Employed Couriers (APRA) expressed their opposition to this idea. According to the AAR, of the 30,000 platform couriers currently operating in Spain, at least 80% (24,000) would rather keep their self-employed status, so as to dovetail their work for various employers. The association

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